
I offer a wide range of decluttering and organisation services, including...
Decluttered and organised bedroom
Home decluttering & organising
Whether it’s one room or the whole house, I can help you make sense of the clutter and organise your belongings to make the most of your space.
Teenage bedroom
Children & teenagers
Frustrated by the state of your child’s bedroom? Chances are it’s not working for them either. Let me help them establish easy-to-maintain systems to last them a lifetime, while retaining ownership of their space.
Decluttered and organised wardrobe
Wardrobe transformation
Lots of clothes but nothing to wear? Together we’ll review your wardrobe, picking out the keepers and finding new ways to style them, while ditching the pieces holding you back.
Organised paperwork
Paperwork & filing
It’s easy to let paperwork mount up and ignore necessary life admin. I can help you sort through the piles and prioritise your to-do list, implementing a long-term filing system that works.
Office space
Small business

For small businesses in need of a helping hand with organisation, I can transform your work space into a more efficient, creative and client-friendly environment. I’ll also whip a chaotic stockroom into shape.

Zero waste shopping
Living sustainably

If you’re keen to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle but don’t know where to start, this is the service for you. I can teach you how to reduce, reuse and recycle (in that order!) to lower your environmental footprint and lead a greener, happier life.

If you can’t see what you’re looking for, please get in touch and we can discuss your project in more detail.